Auxiliary Constitution & Bylaws

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Item Number: 355.202
In Stock

Detailed Description

  • Sections:
    • Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary, including Preamble, Name, Nature, Eligibility, National Officers, National Executive Committee, National Convention, and Amendments
    • By-Laws, including Election & Duties of Officers, Committees, Subsidiary Organizations, Department & Unit Organization, Finance, Charters, Parliamentary Authority, Amendments & Authority
    • Standing Rules including: Ethics, Legal Compliance, Governance, Responsible Stewardship, Openness and Disclosure, Conflict of Interest, Fundraising, Grant Making, Inclusiveness and Diversity, Whistleblower Protection, National Organization, National Convention, National Conferences for Department Leaders, Duties of National Officers, Executive Director, Committees, National Chairmen, Subsidiary Organizations, Departments, Units, Dues & Assessments, Charters, and Junior Members
    • National Policies: Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) Grants, Business Credit Card, Complimentary Ticket and Registration, Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest, Contract Approval and Signature Authority, Disbursement of Funds, Electronic Communications, Internet, and Social Media Policy, Employee and Volunteer Background Checks, Endorsement, Fraud Whistleblower, Member Benefits, Membership List Protection, Merchandising and Licensing, National President Foreign Travel, National President’s Special Project Funds, National Headquarters Emergency Action and Disaster Recovery, Purchasing, National President and National Vice President IT Equipment Policy, Prepaid Expenses, Protection of the National Officers and Leadership Signatures, Record Retention and Disposal Policy, Reserve Funds, Solicitation and Acceptance of Donations, Gifts or Grants, Travel Reimbursement, and Whistleblower Protection
