Veterans Comic Book
About veterans and their contributions
Item #: 755.304
Our Country's Flag Comic Book
History, significance, and proper treatment of U.S. flag
Item #: 755.300
Pledge of Allegiance Comic Book
16 pages of activities & stories
Item #: 755.302
Light of Liberty Comic Book
Covers fight for freedom, how government works, citizens' rights & responsibilities
Item #: 755.301
Bullying Prevention Comic Book
How to prevent and stop bullying
Item #: 755.305
World Geography Coloring and Activity Book
Gives kids sense of position within the world
Item #: 755.303
Patriotic Bookmark
2" x 7" with Pledge of Allegiance
Item #: 755.600
Patriotic Ruler
12", U.S. presidents & Pledge of Allegiance
Item #: 737.300